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Pitcher N' Moss

Sphagnum based potting mix

Sphagnum based potting mix

Regular price $13.90 AUD
Regular price Sale price $13.90 AUD
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Premium Sphagnum potting media, containing 1:1 premium New Zealand sphagnum moss and non-fertilised perlite. Great option for nepenthes, heliamphora and many other carnivorous plants  Approximately 5 Litres, 135g per bag.

This is a classic allrounder media which is great for all nepenthes, heliamphora and many other carnivorous plants.

Medium Grade: provides excellent water holding capacity and air drainage. Ideal for small-medium pots.

Coarse Grade: provides higher level of drainage and aeration, with good water holding capacity. Ideal for medium - large pots. 

(Recommendation only, both grades can be used in pots of almost any size, depending on your growing condition and watering schedule/method)

Please note: Media is unwashed and dry. Handle with care and avoid inhalation of the dust. Store in a cool, dry place and out of direct light.


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