Dionaea muscipula DC XL x Up Giant #1
Dionaea muscipula DC XL x Up Giant #1
This Venus fly traps has short, irregular sawteeth; the first seasonal traps are stubby with a short, broad petiole, but still of considerable size, as is the case with DCXL. The traps are colored a nice bright red
Please note: Plants are in dormancy. Plant size may be smaller than shown in the photos. The main photo is of a mature plant. The trap characteristics and colouration will depend on the plant maturity and lighting.
Growing condition
Climate: Temperate climate. Winter dormancy required.
Water: rain water, distilled water or RO water, tap water in some regions. Keep media constantly damp and let the plants sit in a saucer of water during growing season. Top up water when it drys out. In winter keep the media damp but avoid letting it to sit in water constantly.
Light: Full sun
Humidity: >50%
We are sending plants within Australia only, excepting NT, WA and TAS.